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Make Happy a Consistent Feeling

No one wants to be unhappy. It’s not like you’re waking up every day and shunning happiness. Some days it might feel impossible that you’ll ever smile again. Luckily for you, that’s not true.

Why Being Negative is Easy

Let’s face it: life is hard. Unless you’re one of those who constantly find $100 bills on the ground and always get the best parking spots, this article isn’t for you. 

It’s easy to dwell on the wrong things in life. It’s easy to be unable to let go of the past or think of all the what-ifs. 

And unhappy people are everywhere. Do you and your best friend’s conversations consist of venting on your daily woes? Do you even remember the last time something good happened that you could share about? 

Chance are you’ve adopted the negative mindset. You’ve programmed your brain to weed out any inkling of good and hone in on all the bad. It’s time to stop that. 

Refocus on Those Good Feels

The best way to do that is to focus on what’s happening in your life. No past. No future. What does today feel like? 

Did you catch the train on time today? That’s a win. Is your company buying the whole office lunch today? Score! Think about how you feel when life is just fine. It doesn’t have to be exciting, but it’s not bad. 

Celebrate those little feelings of, “everything is okay. The world is not on fire.” 

And then the next time the world IS on fire, remember that it’s not a permanent state.

Find Your Mantra

It will feel super goofy the first few times you find yourself talking to yourself. But it really does work. Whether it’s just centering your breath or finding a phrase that makes you feel like Wonder Woman, this really works. You can even say it in your head or post a sticky note on your mirror. Pretty soon, when the world gets feeling a bit too rough, that mantra will pop into your brain automatically. And you’ll be just fine. 

Chase Endorphins

You don’t have to become a marathon runner to get endorphins. Get a treadmill desk. Go sit in the park to eat your lunch. Take the stairs up to your office. If you can find a workout routine, that’s even better, but it’s not for everyone. Releasing endorphins in your brain will immediately make you feel better, and you might even find yourself smiling and in a better frame of mind.